Seaway Trails District

The Seaway Trails District serves Scouting in St. Lawrence, Jefferson, and Lewis County, as well as the northern half of Oswego County. The district serves a total of over 500 youth in 37 units. Click here for a list of all units in the district.

The administrative functions of the district and its committees are overseen by the volunteer District Chairman, and the unit-service aspects of district operations are managed by the volunteer District Commissioner. The professional Scouter advises the district’s top leadership, and serves as a sounding board for concerns. Together, these individuals make up the District Key-3.

Annual Giving Campaign

District Leadership (Key-3)

Michael Shanahan, District Chairman
Piet Visscher, District Commissioner
William Zenyuk, District Executive – 315-401-6380

Meeting Schedule

District Committee and Commissioners Meeting will be the First Tuesday of Every month at 7pm hosted at the District Office (800 Starbuck Ave in Watertown).

Eagle Boards of Review are coordinated directly with Review Chairs. Contact Joe Bouchey or Peter Schwerzman to coordinate a time and location.

Camporee Info

Click here to donate and support District Friends of Scouting.