NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training)
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.
The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW, and what a leader must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.
NYLT is a six-day course. Content is delivered in a troop and patrol outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. Interconnecting concepts and work processes are introduced early, built upon, and aided by the use of memory aids, which allows participants to understand and employ the leadership skills much faster.
Built on the legacy of past JLT successes, the new NYLT integrates the best of modern leadership theory with the traditional strengths of the Scouting experience. Through activities, presentations, challenges, discussions, and audio-visual support, NYLT participants will be engaged in a unified approach to leadership that will give them the skill and confidence to lead well. Through a wide range of activities, games, and adventures, participants will work and play together as they put into action the best Scouting has to offer.
2025 Course – August 3-8, 2025, Camp Woodland

Youth Protection begins with you.
Many training courses can and should be completed online.
Log onto My.Scouting to take these training courses. If you have specific questions about any course offerings please feel free to contact any members of the Council Training Committee.
Review the Hazardous Weather FAQ for more information.
Position Trained Course Requirements
“Every Scout deserves a Trained Leader.”
Wood Badge
Woodbadge 2025 is coming!
Woodbadge is for any adult leader (new Den Leader signed up with their young Lion Scout to Council Professional and Board members, and everyone in between). Come out to have fun learning with fellow Scouters, meet new people, learn new ideas, and most importantly gather how to bring the best program to our Scouts!
Registration is now open at https://scoutingevent.com/373-WB2025
IOLS and BALOO Training
This one-and-a-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight hands on practical. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the discovery of the necessary tools to help units carry our a successful camping experience. Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.
(As part of a two-part blended learning format, the on-line modules are the first step to become BALOO trained. The on-line training modules contain introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the practical training that is completed during the in-person, council instructed course. The on-line component MUST be completed prior to the practical component.)
Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Scouts BSA Troops in order to be considered “trained”.