Cub Scout Camping

Let’s put on our thinking caps!

Week One (July 7-11)

Week Two (July 14-18)

Cub Scout Day & Short Term Family Camp:

Cub Day Camp in 2025 will be at Camp Woodland! 

Coming to a Camp Near You in 2025… Let’s put on our thinking caps! 

Register Here: 

 Thank you for attending the 2024 “Outdoor Adventures”. By participating in day camp, the scouts will have the opportunity to explore skills, and work on fascinating projects, while at the same time having fun, exploring our natural world, and fostering lasting friendships.

You can also expect the scouts to be able to participate in the traditional day camp activities that have been loved for years, such as:

  • Archery
  • Waterfront/swimming
  • Hiking
  • BB guns
  • Creating crafts

**Activities may vary between camps and not all listed are not necessarily available at all camps listed below. All day camps are morning drop off and afternoon pick-up. In addition, continuing this year is the “Family Camp” format: Thursday and Friday are morning drop off and afternoon pick-up and family members attend with their Cub on Saturday and stay overnight for more fun and excitement on Sunday.

All campers must provide their own bag lunch. The registration for all camps end seven business days prior to the first day of camp.

    As your scout’s fist day of camp approaches, you will receive more camp specific information regarding drop-off and pick-up times and program schedule. If you have questions between now and then, please feel free to contact the Camp Director.

    Cub Camps Director email:

    See you at Camp!!!

    Cub Prent and Leader Guide

    BSA Annual Health and Medical Record, Parts A and B, are required for all Camps and are due in the Council Office 2 weeks before the start of camp session. All Tigers must have an adult partner present during camp operations.