Camping is an important part of the scout program for all ages! Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting. Longhouse Council operates a year-round camping facility at Camp Woodland in Constantia, NY, and offers a variety of camping opportunities year-round.
Cub Scout Camping
Camp Woodland offers two sessions of summer Day Camp for Cub Scouts. This year, camp will be held July 7-11 and 14-18. Join us for Invention Convention 2025!

Learn more at the Cub Scout Camping page.
Scouts, BSA Camping
Camp Woodland is also offering two sessions of Scouts, BSA Day Camp in 2025. Here, Scouts will have the opportunity to earn merit badges, build life skills, and advance along the Scouting trail. The two sessions are:
- Eagle Academy – July 28-August 1. Take flight and advance along the trail to Eagle as you work to complete all the required merit badges for the Eagle rank.
- Skilled Trades Camp – August 11-15, 2025. Be prepared – for life. Work with experts as you build your handiwork skills and expand your horizons to learn trades.
Camp Woodland is also hosting National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) , August 3-9. This is the premiere leadership training for all Scouts and Venturers aged 13 and older. Don’t miss out!
Year Round Camping
In addition to our summer camping opportunities, we offer a range of other camping opportunities for programmed and open weekend camping. Camp Woodland offer year-round camping opportunities. Visit the Camp Woodland page and visit the Council calendar to learn more.